2 Great Recipes for Smoked Salmon Trim
Smoked salmon is a delicious food that adds a touch of class to any dish, but doesn't need to break the bank.
While the traditional packs are a little expensive (still worthwhile though!) there is an alternative available for those in the know, smoked salmon trim.
When preparing a pack of premium smoked salmon, it is essential that the fish is cut down to the right weight and the right size for the pack it is going in. The result of this is lots of bits trimmed off the edges to ensure the main pack is the correct size and visually appealing.
These trimmings , which are exactly the same quality and taste as the rest of the fish, but random cuts so less attractive visually, then get sold at a discounted rate.
The recipes below are perfect for salmon trim given that the salmon is desired in small pieces, so trim even saves a little work.
Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon
- 1/4 pound sliced smoked salmon or smoked salmon trim
- 12 eggs
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 12 to 15 blades of fresh chives, finely chopped
- Reserve 2 slices of salmon for garnish. Chop the remaining salmon into very small pieces.
- Whisk your eggs and cream together. Add 1/2 of your chopped chives and season eggs with salt and pepper. Preheat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Melt butter in the pan and add eggs. Scramble eggs with a wooden spoon. Do not cook eggs until dry.
- When eggs have come together but remain wet, stir in chopped salmon. Remove pan from the stove and place on a trivet. Garnish the eggs with remaining salmon and chives and serve right out of the warm pan.
Smoked salmon, dill & lemon paté
150g smoked salmon, trimmings are fine
200g tub soft cheese
1 tbsp crème fraîche, only if you have some
juice half a lemon
small bunch dill or chives, chopped
breadsticks or granary toast, to serve
- If you aren’t using smoked salmon trimmings then chop the salmon into small pieces. Tip the soft cheese, crème fraîche (if using) and lemon juice into a food processor, season generously with black pepper and blitz to your liking.
- Add the smoked salmon and pulse a few times if you want the paté chunky or blitz some more if you want the paté smooth and pink.
- Stir the herbs into the paté and spoon into a large or four smaller bowls and serve with warm toast as a starter or with breadsticks as a dip.